Sunday, July 20, 2008

sing with me

there are two songs that stand above all other melodies that i have heard sung: the anguished song of the oppressed, and the jubilant song of restoration. i have heard the song of Jesus and could not escape the truth of the love that he offers, and i have heard the cry of the hopeless, the unloved and the oppressed. i have come to understand that there is no solution, no help and no hope for these other than the love and rescue that Jesus sings over them, and over us all. Jesus seeks after those who are hopeless, misguided, confused, beaten, cast aside and unloved.  It is to them that the song of restoration is directed. i will join in singing the song of restoration to those who need to hear it, for it was once sung to me and continues to echo in my ears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang Son! You got all poetic on me! haha...but seriously bro...sweet words!